ELConfig User Guide

Getting Started

        Introduction Getting Started Configuring Phone Amego More about IP Addressing Getting Help Release Notes License Agreement Thank You!

Download and Install the software

You can download ELConfig from here.  Once you unpack the zip archive, the program can be

placed anywhere on your hard drive such as your Applications folder. The computer you use to

run the software should be attached to the same Local Area Network as one or more Whozz

Calling? units.

Launch the software by double clicking on the

application icon

An ELConfig window will appear as shown below. Many of the controls

have tool tips that appear when you hover over them and explain what

the control does in more detail.

When the program launches, it will automatically try to discover any Whozz Calling? units

attached to your LAN and list them by serial number in the Select Unit popup menu. If you

attach a new unit to your LAN, you can repeat the Discover process by pressing Discover.

Select the unit you want to configure to see the various Unit Parameters. To change a unit

parameter, select the parameter in the upper table so it appears as the Parameter to Change in

the lower table. Double click on the value you want to edit, enter a new value, and then press


If necessary, change the internal IP address to a valid unused IP address on your LAN before

trying to edit any other parameters. Until your unit is assigned a valid IP address, only Discover

and assigning a new IP address will be available. When you assign a new IP address, ELConfig

uses a special technique to send a message to the corresponding Ethernet MAC Address even

though the IP address has not yet been assigned. [It does this by stuffing the ARP cache.]  In

order to do this, ELConfig will ask you for an administrator password. Once a valid IP address is

assigned, ELConfig will send commands to this address allowing you to edit Unit Parameters, or

configure Unit Options as shown below.

The disclosure triangle in the lower left corner of the window opens a log drawer to show

commands you send and the response from any Whozz Calling? units.

The image below shows a Caller ID record being reported.

The image below shows ELConfig assigning a new IP address.

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