I've enjoyed creating Phone Amego and tried to make it close to how I think Apple would do it.
Good design requires as little learning as possible from the user and stays out of the way until
you need it. I hope you find Phone Amego useful and look forward to your comments and
suggestions. You can Email me directly at psichel "at" sustworks "dot" com.
- Peter Sichel
Sustainable Softworks
13 Fieldside Drive
Cumberland, RI 02864
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Phone Amego uses several open source components with a BSD style license.
• BLIP protocol for Caller ID sharing
• Growl notification
• Parts of ILCrashReporter for gathering crash logs
• Apple's RFCOMM_Open_SPP_Example sample code
• Apple's CAPlayThrough sample code
• Apple's SBSendEmail sample code
• Sparkle for software update
All of these can be modified and/or distributed in binary or source form as long as the original
copyrights remain intact. Thanks for letting me stand on your shoulders.