Sustainable Sustworks - Inspired Tools for the Mac
Inspired Tools for the Mac

Sustainable Softworks is a Macintosh software developer inspired by building tools to make technology more accessible and improve the Mac user experience.

The company was founded in January of 1996 by Peter Sichel to build a software IP router for the Mac.

As a long time Macintosh fan and developer, Sustainable Softworks is proud to offer creative Mac oriented solutions along with personal service in areas that have otherwise been neglected.

Share your Internet Connection - IPNetRouter
Intelligent Security for your Macintosh - IPNetSentryX

Monitor your Internet Connection - IPNetMonitor
Tune your Mac for maximum performance - IPNetTuner

New & Notable
Introducing Phone Amego

Phone Amego provides on-screen Caller ID, Address Book, Google Voice, and Bluetooth phone integration for Macs. Also works with landline and VoIP phones.

Introducing Keyclick, for the love of the keyboard you already own.

Keyclick is a Mac OS X preference pane that provides adjustable audio feedback for keystrokes, mouse clicks, scroll wheel movement, and trackpad gestures. Using Keyclick can improve the perception of keyboard responsiveness, or fill in the missing audio feedback when using tap-to-click or two finger scrolling on trackpad equiped computers. More...

USB-To-Ethernet Adaptors for Mac OS X

While USB-to-Ethernet Adaptors are cheap and plentiful, Mac OS X drivers are not. We have drivers that run on Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 (32/64-bit Universal Binary).

Other interests and Opinions

As a long time Macintosh user and computer professional, I have strong opinions about some things and have created this section to talk about issues that affect the Macintosh community and other interests.

Check out my new Blog.

Developer Resources