Sustainable Sustworks - Tools for Internet Travel
Advanced Networking for Mactintosh Professionals

User Guide
Release Notes



2. Detects destination unreachable and reports reason

When pinging a remote host, it is possible an intermediate router will respond that the destination is unreachable and give a reason code. IPNetMonitor listens for this response, stops waiting for the ping to timeout, and reports the reason code in the Log Window.

A red "X" indicates no response within the timeout period. An orange "X" indicates an ICMP destination unreachable response was received. The destination unreachable "reason" is given in the log window.

AGNetTools confuses the ICMP destination unreachable message with a valid ping response. Notice network 10.x.x.x is reserved for private internets (RFC 1918) and is not reachable via the public Internet.

Mac TCP Watcher correctly reports there was no response, but waits for each response to time out and doesn't give the reason.

OTTool confuses the ICMP destination unreachable message with a valid ping response.

WhatRoute correctly reports there was no response, but waits 5 seconds for each response to time out before even sending the next ping (elapsed time 50 seconds) and doesn't give the reason.


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