Sustainable Sustworks - Tools for Internet Travel
Inspired Tools for the Mac



Does IPNetTuner permanently change my Windows Registry TCP/IP Settings?

Only when you apply any new settings.

In order to change the TCP/IP settings for any device, the device parameters must be written to the Windows Registry, then the device must be re-initialized. The device drivers then read the settings from the Windows Registry upon initialization.

With Windows 2000 and Windows XP, this initialization can be invoked directly by IPNetTuner. For Windows 95, 98, NT and Me, you must reboot Windows in order to invoke the new settings.


I use IPNetRouter to share my Internet connection. Do I only need to run IPNetTuner on my IPNetRouter machine OR do I need to run IPNetTuner on all my client PCs?

You should run IPNetTuner on ALL your PCs (both the IPNetRouter machine and each PC client). When you run TCP Tests on each machine, you will clearly see this.

TCP Parameters influence each and every TCP connection. A router, such as IPNetRouter, only forwards datagrams. It does not modify or have any effect on the reliable end-to-end delivery and receipt of datagrams associated with connection oriented services such as TCP. Hence we must modify the TCP stack of every machine in order to affect the machine's performance.


I am using a hardware router to share my Internet connection. Can IPNetTuner still help me increase the performance of my PCs behind my hardware router?

Absolutely! As mentioned above, TCP Parameters influence each and every TCP connection. Any router, even a hardware router, only forwards datagrams. It does not modify or have any effect on the reliable end-to-end delivery and receipt of datagrams associated with connection oriented services such as TCP. Hence we must modify the TCP stack of every machine in order to affect the machine's performance.


What is the difference between a Link Rate test and a TCP Rate test?

Please see our Test descriptions for more information on these two tests and how they differ.


Why when I perform a TCP Test against some servers I do not note a performance difference between the default Windows settings and my tuned Windows settings?

The throughput from some servers can be limited by other things other than TCP transport parameters. Specifically:

  • the server may be overloaded (not enough CPU power)
  • the server may be limited by the speed of its Internet connection
  • the page you are downloading (testing) is too small. You should test against a page at least 20 Kbytes if possible.


What parameters should I modify to improve performance with my connection?

In Progress!

We need to hear from you as to what parameters work best for your specific connections. Please email your parameters to: . Please describe your Internet connection type with your submission.

