IPNetTunerX User Comments
I was skeptical. I downloaded, ran it, and now I'm amazed. My DSL download speed went from around 260 Kb/sec to over 300 KB/sec instantly.
I noticed a huge boost in speed in my ADSL connection immediately after double-clicking the "Cable Modem" IPNetTunerX preset. Thank You!
Worked perfectly when i received the correct parameters from someone at version tracker.
went from d.l. speeds of 1.5 mb/s to 4.6 mb/s.
You know I don't like to pay for stuff, and how tight I am. This program is worh the 30.00. I see 3x - 4x the speed using the presets. I decided to buy it and use it all the time. It rocks, this along with the IPV6 being turned off made Safari kick my PCs ass.
When it comes to networking, these guys know their stuff! Always helpful, and always a solid product. Upgraded frequently, and always improving...
A robust and simple to use tool. Makes tweaking those IP settings a snap.
Brilliant software!
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