is the simple, low-cost way to share your cable modem, xDSL, or
dial-up internet connection with your entire LAN. With IPNetRouter,
you can use multiple IP interfaces at the same time (such as Ethernet
and OT/PPP for example), and specify additional routes for communicating
with more than one IP gateway.
IPNetRouter is a complete IP router and firewall solution including
a built-in DHCP Server, NAT with inbound port mapping, and IP filtering
to setup your own firewall. Other features include support for PPPoE
and Quicktime streaming. IPNetRouter's OT native design offers superior
performance easily outperforming other low-cost hardware and software
IPNetRouter also directly functions as a DynDNS client. This means
that you can run a Web/FTP/Video server and have remote users easily
find your dynamically assigned IP address (no need for a more expensive
static IP address). You just need to sign up for an account with
DynDNS.org. The cost savings
from this feature alone easily can pay for IPNetRouter in a couple
of months!
Price: $89
System Requirements:
- MacOS 7.5.3 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later (OT
1.1.2 for 68k)
- Macintosh PowerPC or 68030 or higher.
- A Macintosh capable of connecting to the Internet using the
TCP/IP protocol suite.
