Alfred App

To use Phone Amego with the Alfred App (PowerPack 1.1 or later), you can navigate to: Alfred -> Preferences -> Features -> Address Book -> General, check Open Contacts in Alfred, set the action for Phone to Pass to URL Scheme: phoneAmego:{query};alert=no. When Afrled finds an Address Book entry, press return to view the entry in Alfred, press down-arrow to highlight the number you want to dial, and then press return to have Phone Amego dial.

Alfred PowerPack 2.0 or later, there's a "Uni Call" workflow that allows you to search Apple Contacts and make calls more easily. Thanks to Guan Gui for contributing this. He sumarizes the advantages as follows:

Faster: just type "call some name" and hit return to initiate a call.
Search more: allow user to use phone number, email address or Skype username as search keywords in addition to basic contact information.
Thumbnails: provide user thumbnail for each returned result.
More flexible: Uni Call allows user to choose all possible actions or a subset of actions for a field type. Also, Uni Call can dynamically learn user preference of action binding.
No need to setup.
Skype online status: indicate Skype user's online status in thumbnail.
FaceTime target nomination: user can give a custom label, such as iDevice, iPhone, for a phone number so that Uni Call can opt out other FaceTime targets in the search results.

Alfred Forum

Launch Bar

To use Phone Amego with LaunchBar, navigate to: LaunchBar -> Preferences -> Actions and select LaunchBar dial with Phone Amego (~/Library/Scripts/Phone Amego Scripts/) as the Default Action for Phone numbers.


To use Phone Amego with QuickSilver, move the script Quicksilver dial with Phone Amego.scpt (~/Library/Scripts/Phone Amego Scripts/) to ~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/Actions/. Quit and relaunch Quicksilver. When you find a phone number in Quicksilver, press Tab and then type "dial" to show the dial with Phone Amego option.