Mac + Phone = Smarter Phone
Phone Amego was developed to fill the gap between your phone and your computer. With Phone Amego, you can streamline calling and call management by automating the typical procedures you would perform when using a phone. Binding the phone and desktop together multiplies capabilities, improving both productivity and customer service.
What's different about Phone Amego?
- It provides full monitoring and control for both dialing and caller ID.
- It embraces the iPhone and the Internet.
- A single uncluttered user interface to work with most common phones.
- It keeps notes on each call organized by caller in a shared database (shared notes via Dropbox).
- It focusses on integrating phones into your Mac based workflow, not trying to be another phone or answering machine.
"As an IT person, I've always been amazed at how lame phone/computer integration is. This app has changed my mind." - robbosir
CRM Integrations
Launcher / Utility Integrations
"You sure did a great job on this app, I have been looking for a click to call Address book plugin for a long time."
Supported Phone Types
"Phone Amego is AWESOME! ...that PA can grab realtime call data from the SPA is unexpectedly cool."
Integration Features
"This program is an absolute MUST HAVE if any of the following apply to you: (1) You bill for time; (2) Your office is busy and you sometimes forget to document that you made or received a phone call...more"
Try Before You Buy
Download the software using the link below. Install by dragging the Phone Amego application into your Applications folder. When you launch the software, a status bar item will appear along the upper right of your screen. Use the images above or the navigation bar at left to find information on adding your phone as a telephone device in Phone Amego, dialing, and incoming call handling.
Getting Started
While this Guide offers lots of information, there is very little you actually need to read. The first thing to realize is that Phone Amego works with many kinds of phones and software. To get started, find the image above that corresponds to the kind of phone or software you want to use with Phone Amego, and then click for more detailed instructions.
If you're not sure what to do next, scan the table of contents on the next page for information about setting up your phone, and answering common questions. Enjoy!
FAQ: What problem is Phone Amego intended to solve?
FAQ: Will Phone Amego work with my home or office phones?
Trademark Acknowledgment
All trademarks are acknowledged as belonging to their respective companies and we do not claim to partner with or represent any 3rd parties, except where explicitly stated.